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1、让我走进你的心里,找到自己那破碎的梦。 ——北岛《橘子熟了》2、世界这么大,人生这么长,总会有这么一个人,让你想要温柔的对待。——宫崎骏《哈尔的移动城堡》3、不管前方的路有多苦,只要走的方向正确,不管多么崎岖不平,都比站在原地更加幸福。

——宫崎骏《千与千寻》4、多幸运能在消失前抱你一下,只是我始终没能说出那句话,我喜欢你。 ——宫崎骏《萤火之森》5、在年轻的飞奔里,你是迎面而来的风。 —— 《星是唯一的向导》6、快乐要有悲伤作陪雨过应该就有天晴 。 —— 《麦田守望者》7、我将融入剧烈争斗的大人世界,要在那边孤军奋战,必须变得比任何人都坚不可摧。

—— 《海边的卡夫卡》8、那些将要去的地方,都是素未谋面的故乡。 ——王小波9、一样是明月,一样是隔山灯火。满天的星,只有人不见,梦似的挂起。 ——林徽因10、只要我能拥抱这世界,那拥抱的笨拙又有什么关系。


想你的时候,变成一颗山楂,脸红又心酸。When I miss you,I turn into a hawthorn,blushing and sad.

克制反驳欲,学会闭嘴或赞美。Refrain from retorting and learn to shut up or praise.

我的友善都是装的,骨子里冷漠无趣,自私自卑,扭曲分裂,邪恶阴暗,厌世嫉俗,我远比你想象的还要糟糕。My friendliness is all fake,cold and boring,selfish and inferior,distorted and divided,evil and dark,cynical,I am far worse than you think.

远道而来这世间,要把余生献给你热爱的故事,要以平凡之身,对抗世事艰难,要以平凡之命来换取惊鸿瞬间。Come all the way here to dedicate the rest of your life to the story you love,to the ordinary body,against the difficulties of the world,not to ordinary life in exchange for a moment of surprise.

去做你不敢做的事,去见你不敢见的人,这就是成长。To do the things you dare not do,to meet the people you dare not meet,this is growth.

祝少年不老,祝自尊和爱情两全,祝所有想触碰又缩回的手,最终都能紧紧牵在一起。I wish young people are not old,I wish self-esteem and love both,I wish all want to touch and retract the hand,can eventually be closely held together.

海边的所有思绪永远是温柔的,揉杂着几分静谧的晚霞也有些许日落之时的惆怅,最爱是黄昏。All the thoughts of the seaside is always gentle,mixed with some quiet sunset,but alsoa little melancholy at sunset,the favorite is dusk.

敢于改变是好事,望结果如你所愿。Dare to change is a good thing,hope the result is what you want.

见面真的好快乐,无论是和喜欢的人还是和许久未见的朋友都很治愈,见面的精心打扮与迫不及待的心情都让人很享受。Meet really good happy, whether it is and like the person or and a long time not to see friends are cured, meet the well-dressed and can not wait to enjoy the mood.

Sometimeslifegivesyousuffering, infact,is paving the way for romance.

你欣赏不了我的风格我理解你,但你要拿你的审美评价我,你就是病的不轻。Iunderstand that you can't appreciate my style,but if you judge me by your aesthetics,you are very sick.

你好像散落的一千块拼图,零碎地占据着我的生活。You are like a
thousandpiecesofpuzzlescattered,piecemealoccupied my life.

要和喜欢的人一直维持着可以分享日常的关系。Always have a relationship with someone you like that you can share on a daily basis.

我明明是一个在热烈生活的人啊,我不想找一个搭伙过日子的人,我想要找一个喝了酒眼睛会发光给我讲浪漫和爱的人。I am obviously a person in a warm life, ah, I do not want to find a partner to live with people, I want to find a drink eyes will shine to me about romance and love.

夜晚不止是拿来睡觉的,它还可以用来失眠,思考问题,反省人生,它比白天还累。Night is not only used to sleep, it can also be used for insomnia, thinking, reflecting on life, it is also tired during the day.
